What is salty spray testing ?

Salty spray testing is an accelerated corrosion test that produces a corrosive attack to the coated samples in order to predict its suitability in use as a protective finish. The appearance of corrosion products (oxides) or coating adhesion is evaluated after a period of time. Test duration depends on the corrosion resistance of the coating; the more corrosion resistant the coating is, the longer the period in testing without showing signs of corrosion.

This test is for a variety of products and applications, and our corrosion testing experts are highly trained across multiple disciplines.

Our Salty Spray Testing Standards and Capabilities:

  • ISO 9227:2012
  • GB/T 10125-2012
  • GB/T 2423.17-2008
  • ASTM B117

We can proceed with salty spray testing for multiple coating types, including electroplated copper-nickel-chromium, electroplates copper-nickel, and anodized aluminum and so on.

  • Internationally recognized, including Europe, North & South America
  • Accreditation by All Major Markets including Europe, North & South America
  • Free Sample Picking, One-Stop Service from Lab Testing to On-Site Inspection
  • Save 20% in testing costs vs. your current testing solutions
  • Free inquiry and consultancy for products testing standard