What is CPC?

A CPC is a document required by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). It certifies that your children’s product complies with all applicable product safety rules.

CPC is important for children’s safety because they ensure that products meet federal safety standards. Without a CPC, sellers cannot legally sell certain children’s products in the United States.

Your CPC is dependent on your products passing laboratory tests, which you must have conducted at a third-party testing laboratory. And our lab is qualified to proceed with CPC certificate, which is on Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC’s) list.

What Children’s Product Certificate should include?

  • Identification of the product covered by this certificate.
  • Citation to each CPSC children’s product safety rule to which this product is being certified.
  • Identification of the importer or domestic manufacturer certifying compliance of the product.
  • Contact information for the individual maintaining records of test results.
  • Date and place where this product was manufactured.
  • Provide the date(s) and place when the product was tested for compliance with the consumer product safety rule(s) cited above.
  • Identify any third party, CPSC-accepted laboratory information.

CPC Testing Products Scope, we can provide professional testing to support.

  • Children’s Toys
  • Children’s Furniture
  • Children’s Apparel
  • Children’s Jewelry
  • Children’s clothing
  • Strollers and car seats
  • Baby products (pacifiers, teething toys, bottles, etc.)

Children's Product Certificate for Amazon

If you are selling children’s products on Amazon, you must provide a CPC for each product. Amazon requires sellers to have a CPC for certain types of children’s products, such as toys and games, children’s clothing, and baby products. You can upload your CPC to Amazon’s Seller Central dashboard for each product listing.


  • 24*7 customer service support
  • Free testing consultancy on US & Europe market regulations
  • Saving up to 20% in testing cost compared with other testing service providers
  • One-stop service from sample picking to lab testing