In recent years big brands and retailers have been scrambling to find suppliers in many different Asian countries. In our recent blog “Vietnam, the new China?”, we discuss how Vietnam’s rapid growth is making the country a target for many buyers. In this blog, however, we’re going to highlight the Top 3 sourcing channels to find suppliers in Vietnam. Before the reading, you may want to explore the advantages and challenges in sourcing from Vietnam in our blog “Sourcing from Vietnam: Pros and Cons”.
1. B2B Platforms
Online sourcing platforms are one of the quickest and easiest ways to access numerous suppliers all over the world. China has benefited greatly from these platforms for more than a decade, connecting new buyers to the manufacturing industry. Vietnam has similar potential and listed here are a couple of those platforms to consider trying.
Vietnam & Asia B2B Marketplace
A free and easy-to-use website, suppliers from nearly every industry can be found here. You can search for suppliers or post the RFQs (Request for Quotation).
With a somewhat tongue-in-cheek name, this site hopes to tap into the frustration felt by many from sourcing from China.
2. Trade Shows
Trade shows have always played a large role in connecting buyers to suppliers. And the current visa policies in Vietnam are among the most relaxed in the world. Foreigners from most countries can enter with visas upon arrival, and proof of vaccination isn’t required. With major trade shows being canceled, a high turnout can be expected for Vietnamese Trade Shows. You can visit multiple websites, such as TradeFairDate, to view the lists of upcoming shows all over the world, including Vietnam.
3. Online Supplier Directories
Many of these are good for finding suppliers and posting RFQs. Here are two popular Vietnam sites, but there are many more.
With over 500,000 registered users, is a great platform for connecting with suppliers worldwide.
VIETFACTORY gives its users access to 50,000 manufacturers. Like, it is free and provides free content to help you learn about the industry.
How can you ensure the reliability of these suppliers?
Once you’ve compiled a list of potential suppliers you are interested in working with, the next step is to better investigate these suppliers before sending over a large investment. And luckily there are many types of Supplier Evaluations, such as Factory Audits and Social Audits, that can uncover many specific concerns you might have.
For more information on our quality control services in Vietnam, you can connect with us at
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